
Thursday, 7 December 2017

Antarctica (Finished)

Here it is the thing we have been waiting for the finished Antarctica slide, I  have been working hard to finish this slide and learnt more things about Antarctica this shows lots of information about Antarctica that I learned and that you can learn. My favourite thing that I learnt was about the animals and how they live.

My weekend

In the weekend I did some gaming on Red Dead Redemption. I worked so hard and captured so much bandits on multiplayer
                                                                             that I unlocked a zombie horse and zombie Marston, the zombie bundle is the rarest bundle to unlock without buying it and you can raise the dead.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Antarctica 2.0

This is all of my updated Antarctica work I have added two new posts on my slide.

Thursday, 23 November 2017

Fast and Furious 8

My comment is a quality comment because it starts with a greeting. My comment is positive and is similar to the movie because I have described my favourite part.

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

My work on Antarctica

Here is some work that I did about Antarctica I will be adding more and more information about Antarctica each day. 

Friday, 17 November 2017

the demolition part 1 on scratch

Hello, this is some more scratch work that I did its an animation its mostly a action movie and a comedy its about demolition its a really cool scratch post you should see it.

Wednesday, 15 November 2017


On Tuesday we were doing athletics. We were running lots and throwing things like shoes and balls the funnest part was tug of war. My team kept on winning then we danced in the hall.

Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Bendy work!!

Here is some Bendy work about Bendy and the ink machine work that I did. Bendy and the ink machine is the coolest game for me just like scratch roblox and minecraft.

Tuesday, 7 November 2017

My Scratch Work

Hello this is some of my scratch work that I did about my game called animorphs game demo you should check it out.

Monday, 30 October 2017

The thing under the bridge

Here is a picture of my writing called the man under the bridge its based of the movie IT its really cool you should read it.

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Story Ladder

Today I read the story called Atlas holds on. Here is my story ladder to show what happened.

Thursday, 28 September 2017

practise school lockdown

At Glen Taylor school we had a lock down, we had to put our faces down in room 9 for ages and ages,  then we finally got to put our bodies up and it was over.  I felt so bored.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Cybersmart smart learners:write quality blog posts

This is some Cybersmart learning that we created  with Mrs Grant, it share information about how to publish a blog post.

Friday, 22 September 2017

Minecraft Castle

This is some Minecraft work that I did it took me over 5/6 months. It shows a picture of lots of type's of skins it has assassins creed, halo 5, a space craft, gamer's and lots more.


This is some work that we did on Google Draw, its very funny to look at, and how i compered Mr Raj (a teacher at gts) to a little puppy.

Wednesday, 13 September 2017

huge wave

here is a picture of a tsunami that is heading to a city and could  flood the whole town. can you see a smiley face?.  

Wednesday, 6 September 2017


this is some more writing that I did on google docs with Miss Lina. its about space and how some things make Earth survive, I made it smaller so you could see it.

Thursday, 24 August 2017

My bedroom

Welcome to my room as you can see there is a flat screen playing assassins creed unity, my shoes, and last my favourite hoodie, I mostly bring it to school on muftis.

Flooded kitchen

This awesome picture that I made on google draw,shows that someone forgot to turn the tap on, lucky that he has a diving suit, or he could have drowned.

The devils bedroom

Today after school I did some work on my blog, and made some demons/devils bedroom, there are four devils can you see them all.

Red ball

This is a picture of my favourite game in the world that I made in google draw, it is called red ball it is jumping over the spikes.

3 am catacomb creatures

This is a story about some friends that make a show called ghost hunters they think that they should film the next episode in the catacombs but it turned out there was a creature inside and they had to leave Tj behind to survive


This is a poster I made with google drawings it shows a picture about a Volcano erupting, my friends said it looks real.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017

3am fighting

Today we did some work on our blogs again, me and my friend Harry thought that we would make some writing about monsters and dragons my writing had relations with Pokemon.
Screenshot 2017-08-15 at 9.54.03 AM.png

The past

In room 7 with Mr Victor we learnt about the past or 100 years in the future we just had to make pictures on google drawing. Here is what mine looks like.